Empowering Gram Sabha for Self-Governance
- Promoting Self-Rule at grassroots through advocacy and campaign.
- Conducting workshops and seminars for empowering Gram Sabhas and to deepen Indigenocracy for eco-friendly development.
- Empowering Gram Sabhas to ensure participation of indigenous people, Dalits, minority groups, women and youth in Village, Panchayat, Block, District & State leve.
- Asserting Community rights over natural resources.

Agriculture and Sustainable Livelihood
- Promoting and experimenting traditional and alternative agricultural methods and paxis for sustainable livelihood.
- Enhancing capacity of natural and human resources for livelihood.
- Protection of forests and plantation of plants required by community.
- Collection and Prevention of traditional seeds and herbs.
- Strengthening appropriate and ecological conducive mechanisms for increasing food production and promoting sustainable agriculture.
- Formation of Kisan clubs.
- Organizing exposure visits for learning from experiences of each other.
- Rejuvenation of appropriate water conservation systems and construction of posts and wells.

Gender Empowerment and Women Rights
- Capacitating on gender sensitivity at community level.
- Promoting Women Writers & journalists.
- Promoting Sustainable livelihood with Gender Justice.
- Raising assertive voices for "Equality and Justice".
- Ensuring Participation of Women in SHGs, local governance and decision making processes.
- Empowerment of Single Women through SHGs.
- Awareness generation on atrocities and trafficking of women and children.

Campaign for Climate Justice
Samvad believes that Indigenocracy is the best solution to Mitigate the current climate justice.
- Dialogues, discussions and seminars on climate justice / crisis.
- Sensitizing community on climate justice through PRA and PVCA (Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment).
- Enhancing strength of community for healing the climate.
- Preserving and promoting food sovereignty of the society.
- Preserving and promoting the traditional climate friendly seeds for resilient livelihood.

Child Rights
- Protecting Child Rights in all spheres of life.
- Campaign for common school system.
- Encouraging Village Education committee and initiating formation of block and district level Child Rights Advocacy Groups.
- Develop child friendly curriculum for joyful Education.
- Promotion for ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education).
- Regularize child immunization in the project areas.
- Emphasizing on child birth registration.
- Formed CRA (Child Rights Alliance) it is network of 143 NGO's and CBO's.

Land, Water and Forest Rights
- Organizing people for Community control over Land, Water & Forest through various means - Study Circles, Workshops, Seminars, Foot-March etc.
- Lobbying, networking on the issues of state and national Land, Water & Forest policies.
- Generating awareness among communities to apply for individual and community Forest Land Patta under FRA and pursue it for having FRA Patta.
- Capacitating Gram Sabhas for Protection and Preservation of forest .
- Formed Forest Protection Committees in the Gram Sabhas.

Preservation of Traditional Art and Culture
- Protection and enrichment of Adivasiyat and advancement of secular and democratic ethos, which is the riposte of SAMVAD against the onslaught of commodity - based culture of globalization.
- Our efforts are to retain, conserve and rejuvenate the communitarian lifestyle of Jharkhand.
- Rejuvenating Akhra and promoting traditional healing and health system, Forming and Developing Mobile Cultural troupes, Rejuvenating Adivasi art and culture, Organizing training and workshops on Adivasiya.

Linkage with Govt. Flagship Programmes
- Awareness generation and campaign on MNREGA scheme and encouraged people to get Job Card and demand for work.
- People have been linked to Old Age Pension, Indira Awas, Widow Pension, Disability Pension, Annapurna Yojana, Red Card under BPL, Education Scholarship, benefits of Mada scheme, Flood relief benefit (in Bihar) schemes etc.

Entrepreneurship Development
- Skill Development Training for SHGs and Farmer groups.
- Promotion and Formation of women SHGs.
- Strengthening SHGs through Formation of regional Federation of SHGs.
- Initiatives to small scale business (puffed rice, goatery, poultry, Vermi Compost and Leaf Plate making).
- Collecting and marketing of forest produce.
- Formation of Agriculture Producer Organization for collective marketing and increasing incom.

Documentation, Films and Publications
Documentation and Publication
- Aadhi Duniya-Quaterly Magazine on Women Issues .
- Publications on different emerging issues.
- Samvad has made more than a dozen films on various social issues including few promotional films.